GCTV explores and covers diverse world issues such as hunger, poverty, security, economic development, energy, world health, migration, war, human rights, tolerance and international trade.
GCTV explores and covers diverse world issues such as hunger, poverty, security, economic development, energy, world health, migration, war, human rights, tolerance and international trade.
International relations specialist Bill Miller discusses world events with experts from various fields every week. All videos are made available for download in High Definition at no charge.
Steve Schlesinger, Fellow at the Century Foundation in New York City, authored "Act of Creation: Founding of the United Nations," and is an expert on the UN and international issues. Over the past 8 decades the UN has expanded its mandate and development programs to reduce conflicts, combat diseases and climate change, develop maritime and aviation safety, move ships, mail and weather information worldwide. We have not experienced a major world war since 1945. The modern, interconnected world could not exist without the UN. Although the US is one of the major beneficiaries of UN programs, the Republican House of Representative voted to cut off funding to the UN, which would be devastating for many US foreign policies. The polls show that the public supports American involvement in the UN. Project 2025 is a blueprint for an isolationist, Fortress America that is dangerous for both the US and the world.
Michelle Gladieux, a communication expert, debate coach, executive coach, and author of “Communicate with Courage: Taking Risks to Overcome the Four Hidden Challenges" trains leaders in almost every industry to experience more impactful interactions and presentations. Four personality types consist of: 1) Driver, a highly assertive person; 2) Analyst, great at details; 3) Amiable means flexibility; 4) Expressive style, one who talks and builds relationships. The Hidden Challenges include: 1) Hiding from Risk when the risk should be confronted; 2) Defining to be Right to please the ego; 3) Rationalizing the Negative out of fear; and 4) Settling for “Good Enough.” Pro Moves are discussed, small actions we can take to achieve more positive influence as communicators with a little more effort. Learn how to determine your unique mission as a communicator, when and how to give praise, and how to get credit for positive changes you pursue to avoid being stereotyped.
Dr. Frank N. von Hippel, Senior Research Physicist and Professor of Public and International Affairs emeritus of the Program on Science and Global Security at Princeton University’s forthcoming book is, “Ending the Nuclear Arms Race – A physicist’s quest.” The world has 9 nuclear states and over 10,000 nuclear weapons. The Doomsday Clock sponsored by the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists is now 90-seconds before striking midnight. DoD spends over $125 million per day to maintain our nuclear stockpile. Rather than spend trillions to modernize nuclear weapons, we should reduce them. A key player has been the United Nations, through its treaties and conferences, in reducing nuclear threats. The UN Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT) concluded in 1970 is the major treaty. Today’s weapons are far more powerful and devastating than the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945. Recommendations: No First Use of nukes; 2) Get away from launch on warning posture.
Peter Yarrow, of the legendary "Peter, Paul and Mary," discusses the role of folk music to promote human and civil rights.
Dr. Mordecai Ogada, Director of the Conservation Solutions Afrika in Kenya, focuses on topics such as preserving protected areas as a conservation tool and how to define who are indigenous peoples. He authored "The Big Conservation Lie." June 15, 2019
Izumi Nakamitsu, Under-Secretary General of United Nations Disarmament Affairs, discusses UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres' Disarmament Agenda and how it is working to forestall a new nuclear arms race, encourage the nuclear powers back into negotiations after two decades of stalemate and end the "state-led paralysis" regarding cyberwarfare and killer robots.
Dr. Jane Goodall, a UN Messenger of Peace, discusses climate change and its implications. Dr. Jane Goodall, a native of England, spent many years studying the chimps of Gombe in Tanzania.
People worldwide are becoming more intricately intertwined in an interdependent world.
For example, polls show that Americans and many people worldwide are less aware of the importance of international affairs and governmental programs on their lives and are less informed about how to positively impact international problems that have local implications.
Miller and Associates International Media Consultants offer two basic services to confront this situation.
Is your institution looking for a supplemental course to your curriculum on international public administration, international relations or global governance? If so, you may want to use the following as a prototype.
The model and curriculum were independently developed by Professor Bill Miller. This is a public administration-international relations course offered at Kentucky State University's Graduate School of Public Administration titled “International Organizations: Focus on the United Nations and International Public Administration."
Mr. Miller, an international relations specialist, has written numerous articles on the United Nations for newspapers, such as the Lexington-Herald Leader, ASPA’s PA Times and Washington International.