Steve Schlesinger
Steve Schlesinger, a Fellow at the Century Foundation in New York City and the author of "Act of Creation: Founding of the United Nations,” highlighted how the UN was created after WW2 to primarily help provide peace and security. Today, with the almost geometric challenges confronting the UN and its 193-member states, the agenda has broadened to enhancing human rights, promoting economic and social programs, working with Rotary International to eliminate the scourge of polio, as well as working with countries to help move aircraft, ships, mail and weather information in international space. He contrasted the Donald Trump, First America-unilateral approach to Joe Biden’s inclusive-multilateral arrangement to combat diseases, climate change and regional conflicts, to mention a few. Mr. Schlesinger congratulated President Biden for re-joining the Paris Climate Accord, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the UN Human Rights Council, all of which are programs that assist the USA and other countries. He contends that the UN is more relevant today than at any time in its history, what with the intractable, expansive problems confronting the world.