Steve Schlesinger
Steve Schlesinger is a Fellow at the Century Foundation in New York City. Mr. Schlesinger authored "Act of Creation: Founding of the United Nations," And he is an expert on the UN and international issues. He offers an update on the 78th Session of the UN. The UN has changed dramatically since its creation in 1945, especially in aid to refugees, economic development, climate change, cultural and educational development, and assisting ships, mail, aircraft and weather information in the international arena. The UN, albeit not perfect, is indispensable. The UN is critical to the success of many US foreign policies, e.g. Korean War, Cuban Missile Crisis, democratic elections and refugee assistance. In a political move that damages the US and the UN, the Republican-controlled US Congress has adopted—for the very first time-- a State Department bill to not fund the UN. The UN is not a one-world government, has no taxing power and no military.