Steve Schlesinger
Steve Schlesinger, author of "Act of Creation: Founding of the United Nations," highlights how the UN has expanded to deal with problems such as diseases, regional conflicts, as well as moving aircraft, ships, mail and weather information worldwide. Since creating the UN, there has not been a WW3; although there were volatile conflicts such as the Cuban Missile Crisis, potential Cold War miscalculations and a weakening of the multilateral security system. Although it is an imperfect organization, the UN is critically necessary. If the UN did not exist today, it would have to be created tomorrow. The UN Security Council has been partially paralyzed; however, many UN agencies have been working on the ground to assist the Ukrainians, such as through the World Food Program, UNICEF, IAEA, UN Refugee Agency and the World Health Organization. The UN is not a one-world government, has no troops and is unable to tax to fund itself, yet its moral standing has an immense impact on promoting world peace and development.