Michelle Gladieux

Michelle Gladieux

Michelle Gladieux, a communication expert, debate coach, executive coach, and author of “Communicate with Courage: Taking Risks to Overcome the Four Hidden Challenges" trains leaders in almost every industry to experience more impactful interactions and presentations. Four personality types consist of: 1) Driver, a highly assertive person; 2) Analyst, great at details; 3) Amiable means flexibility; 4) Expressive style, one who talks and builds relationships. The Hidden Challenges include: 1) Hiding from Risk when the risk should be confronted; 2) Defining to be Right to please the ego; 3) Rationalizing the Negative out of fear; and 4) Settling for “Good Enough.” Pro Moves are discussed, small actions we can take to achieve more positive influence as communicators with a little more effort. Learn how to determine your unique mission as a communicator, when and how to give praise, and how to get credit for positive changes you pursue to avoid being stereotyped.

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