Dr. Bob Flax
Dr. Bob Flax, a psychologist, organization development consultant, educator and activist, is the former Executive Director of Citizens for Global Solutions, and an Advisor to The World Federalist Movement (WFM) - Institute for Global Policy. The WFM was founded in 1947 with the goal of creating a world federation to achieve world peace, human rights and preserve the environment. Three areas of interest were UN Reform, build global institutions and that world unity was necessary to deal with issues such as climate change, human trafficking or violations of human rights. This global institution would be more structured, have more authority and utilize binding international law as opposed to the loose amalgamation of current treaties and other international agreements. Today, the UN has a voluntary membership of 193 member states or countries that maintain their sovereignty. The WFM is an organization that advocates for a democratic world government of a world federalist system by expanding international organizations and moving towards a unified system of governance.