Craig Mokhiber
Craig Mokhiber, Director of the UN Office for the High Commissioner for Human Rights in New York, details how when the UN was established in 1945, the main goals were to eliminate the scourge of war, promote economic and social development and enhance human rights worldwide. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) defines the myriad of human rights and was adopted on December 10, 1948. It included all political, cultural, economic, social and civil rights. Eleanor Roosevelt, the US Constitution, the French Rights of Man and FDR’s Four Freedoms played a key role in developing the UDHR. To guarantee that there is balance and impartiality in evaluating a country’s human rights progress, periodically all 193 countries in the UN participate the Universal Periodic Review which is an evaluation of their human rights record. Human rights are under pressure in many areas around the world, including in the US with attacks on democratic institutions. No country has a perfect human rights record.