Johanna Chao Kreilick is the president of the Union of Concerned Scientists, a 501 c 3 scientific advocacy nonprofit based in the United States. She has represented the organization in lobbying Congress and business leaders to address climate change, attacks on democratic institutions and the threat of nuclear war. Regarding the number 1 challenge, climate change, the UN conferences and the UN IPCC have spearheaded the attack to combat this crisis. The UN is an important multinational organization that brings the countries of the world together to develop reports and products used by many expert agencies. The UN Paris Climate Accord is critical in challenging the world to hold to 1.5 degrees Celsius of warming. One reason that the US has been so successful as a world leader is due to its democratic institutions that have recently been under siege, especially since the January 6 insurrection to overthrow a free, fair and democratic election.
GCTV explores and covers diverse world issues such as hunger, poverty, security, economic development, energy, world health, migration, war, human rights, tolerance and international trade.